Friday, August 18, 2023

As we use . . . Jotform

I started using Jotform because it solved a problem I had: I needed a form that would count down places in a class as people signed up for it. Basically, I needed something that would only let a certain number of people purchase a particular ticket. 

I was a little nervous about switching over to Jotform because there was a bit more of a learning curve in using it, but the result was fantastic! Several people who used the form commented that it was well put together and so easy to use. 

Things I wish I knew before using Jotform:

1. One of my favorite parts of Jotform is that it exports to a spreadsheet so you can easily see the answers you've recieved.

2. Jotform did not like the original e-mail address I signed up with. It wouldn't let me collaborate; it wouldn't let me reset my password. Luckily this was an easy fix, I just signed up with a different e-mail and it worked great!

3. Jotform feels way more professional than the service I was using before, which is nice for the people signing up. Like I said, I got lots of compliments!

4. Jotform doesn't give you a free unlimited number of submissions on your forms. But don't worry! There are several things you can do to raise your submission limit, including paying for a subscription and inviting others to join, etc.

Just go to and sign up for a basic free account to check it out. If you need a higher submission limit or to get some more bells and whistles, check out the upgrade tab.

Overall, I ama very happy with my experience and will continue to use Jotform.

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