Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Easy Homemade Butter

Every year on pioneer day we make our own homemade butter. All it takes is one ingredient and a little bit of muscle. In no time you'll be feeling like a regular Laura Ingalls.


  • Heavy Whipping Cream

Yep, that's it! At least for the basic butter. After the butter is done you can then add salt or garlic bread seasoning or sugar with cinnamon or honey or whatever your taste buds desire. But for now, all you need is heavy whipping cream.


1. Place whipping cream in tight container. 

This year we used washed out peanut butter jars. We once went to an activity where they gave all of the kids their own film canister-sized container filled with cream. Which was the perfect size to butter one or two rolls. It was a very cute idea!

Don't forget to tightly seal the jars!

2. Shake. 

The more cream you have, the longer it will take.

3. Continue to shake.

Part of the way through you will think you are done, but you won't be. When you first hear the shaking sound stop, you will have whipped cream. Which, while cool, is not butter. Keep going! Eventually the shaking sounds will come back.

4. Separate the butter from the buttermilk.

Once your butter is done, it will be sitting in a liquid called buttermilk. You need to separate the butter from the buttermilk. We poured the butter into a strainer and voila! Separation Complete!

5. Now you have butter! And Buttermilk! Congratulations!