Wednesday, October 4, 2017

How to block people who are just "following" you on Facebook

Did you know that there are people, not on your friends list, who are just "following" you on Facebook?

This might not seem like a big deal to you. After all, anyone can just go and look at what you label "public" posts. Or this might wig you out. Why is someone following me but not caring to request being my friend. Sounds a little creepy.

If you want to block these people, here's how to do it:

Step 1: Log into your Facebook account.

Step 2: Go to "Settings." (It's under the little arrow in the upper right hand corner)

Step 3: Click on "Blocking" on the left.

Step 4: In the "Block Users" section, type in the phrase "follow me"

Step 5: A list of people who are simply following you will pop up and you can select to "block" them.

Step 6: After you block them, their name will show up on a list under where you had previously entered "follow me."

So that is how you block those users who are just following you.

We each only had 1 person randomly following us. How many did you have?

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