Friday, October 13, 2017

Review: "Fast Metabolism Quick and Easy Desert and Snack Mix" Chocolate Pudding

We found the recipe for this chocolate pudding on the back of the "Fast Metabolism Quick and Easy Desert and Snack Mix." You can also find the recipe (and purchase the mix) on .

This was the second time we'd used this snack mix. We were so excited because it works for phase 2. If you've ever done this program then you know that you can't find enough yummy favorites for phase 2!

By the way, most of the things we make don't use Haylie Pomroy brand mixes. We like to be able to stick to the program without having to buy anything special. However, we thought we'd try some of her brand mixes and let you know how it went.

We loved this recipe. It was really easy to make. We just used an electric hand mixer until the pudding was the consistency of a mousse. And a small bowl satisfies a need for desert. One of us didn't add any sweetener, the other added a touch of liquid Stevia. It just depends on how sweet you want it.

Warning: This bottle squirts a lot at one time

Then we decided to put in a little bit of Pure Mint Extract. Oh my gosh! It was so good. Like, we may make this every phase 2 kind of good. We want to try it frozen, we want to try it with Cocao nibs. Yum! Yum! Yum! In all honesty, We're not sure if this extract is compliant. But . . . what can we say? It was a yummy addition.

Have you tried this recipe? What did you think?

If you want to know more about this program, check out our post here, and also check out the Fast Metabolism Diet book:

We are not experts on this plan, this is simply a review of our own experience and opinion.

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